History of The MIUGC
During the Grand Encampment in Orlando Florida June 1996, Grand Eminent Commander Russell A. Earl Sr. approached Sir Knight Ray Robinson the representative of the Grand Commandery of Ohio enquiring about establishing a Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters in the state of Florida. Sir Knight Ray Robinson introduced Russell A. Earl Sr. to the Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Howard Massey of Ohio who instructed Russell Earl on the steps it would take to establish a Grand Council in the state of Florida. Sir Knight Earl was invited to the Illustrious Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Ohio PHA’s Grand Assemblyin 1997. Russell A. Earl Sr. was made a member of Ohio’s GrandCouncil and was appointed a Special Deputy to Florida. He was tasked to get enough Sir Knights to establish a minimum of three (3) councils of 27 men each.
The state of Florida was blessed to have approximately 129 Sir Knights interested in this new endeavor. They petitioned the Grand Council of Ohio to come to Florida for the purpose of greeting Florida Companions and establishing Royal & Select Masters Councils under dispensation in Florida. Prior to Florida’s Grand Session in April 1997, the Illustrious Grand Council of Ohio convened in the State of Florida by the approval of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert Terrell to greet (129) Sir Knights and to establish four (4) Councils of Royal & Select Masters under dispensation.
The Councils were North Florida Council No. 1 UD Jacksonville, North West Florida Council No. 2 UD Tallahassee, Central Florida Council No. 3 UD, later renamed Roosevelt Foster Council No. 3 Tampa and South Florida Council No. 4 UD, later renamed William Johnson Council No. 4 out of Miami. In October 1997 the Grand Council of Ohio returned to Florida and reconvened for the purpose of Florida’s Councils to show proficiency.
In April 1998 in the city of Jacksonville Florida, the state of Florida was granted a Warrant of Constitution and was established a Grand Council to be recorded on the register of the Illustrious Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of the state of Ohio PHA as the Illustrious Union Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of the state of Florida PHA. later renamed the Illustrious Union Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Florida PHA & Jurisdictions, Inc. under the Most Illustrious Earnest B. Daniels Grand Thrice Illustrious Master’s administration. The following Companions were elected and installed as the first and chartered Grand Officers of the Illustrious Union Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Florida PHA: Russell A. Earl Sr. – Grand Thrice Illustrious Master; Cleveland E. Clanton Jr. – Grand Deputy Master; Samuel A. Bolden – Grand Principle Conductor of the Work; Joseph E. Lewis – Grand Treasurer; Anthony Ross – Grand Recorder; Robert J. Godfrey – Grand Captain of the Guard; Joseph Ellis – Grand Conductor of the Council; Benjamin Ganious – Grand Steward; Charles H. James – Grand Sentinel; Samuel G. Harper – Grand Foreign Correspondence; Reginald Ferguson Jr. – Grand Instructor; and Edward Lewis Jr. – Grand Chaplain.
The following Councils of Florida were established under the Illustrious Union Grand Council since being chartered as a Grand Council: Nero Prince Council No, 5 Orlando, Dee F. Jones Council No. 6 Cocoa Beach, Z. Neeley Council No, 7 Daytona, South West Florida Council No, 8 Fort Myers, C. P. Randolph Council No, 9 – Crestview, Pompano Council No. 10 Pompano Beach, later renamed Palm City Council No. 10, Benjamin Council No. 11 – Pensacola, Robert J. Godfrey Council No. 12 Plant City, and Walter Johnson Council No. 13 Fort Pierce. Under the leadership of the first Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Russell Alexander Earl Sr. 33° KYCH.
The State of Florida petition the state of New Jersey under the leadership of Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Russell A. Earl with the approval of Most Worshipful Grand Master Dr. David L. Wright 33°, to establish a Grand Court Ladies of the Circle of Perfection (LOCOP) in the year of 1999. The Grand Court was chartered as a Grand Court in 2000 and Russell A. Earl served as the first Grand Royal Chief Advisor to the Court of the Ladies of the Circle of Perfection under dispensation 1999 – 2000, and while chartered 2000 – 2003 and also the Grand Court was named after him.
The first Royal Grand Perfect Matron was Charlie P. Albury while under dispensation 1999 – 2000, and while chartered from 2000 – 2003. Royal Grand Perfect Matron Charlie P. Albury later served as Imperial Commandress of the Daughters of Isis from 2005 – 2007. Royal Grand Perfect Matron Mary Caldwell-Williams served from 2003 – 2006 along with Royal Grand Chief Advisor Harold Walbey 2003 – 2006, and Royal Grand Perfect Matron Joyce S. Trowbridge served from 2006 – present, along with Rev. Ronald Williams Royal Grand Chief Advisor 2006 – present.
The Grand Thrice’s that followed Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Russell A. Earl Sr. were Cleveland E. Clanton Jr. 33° KYCH served 2001 – 2002. Reginald Ferguson 33° KYCH served April 2002 and passed in August 2002. Joseph Ellis 33° KYCH served from August 2002 to April 2004. Albert R. Cobb 33° KYCH served from April 2004 – 2006 and our current Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH served from April 2006 to present. In 2004 the state of Georgia petitioned the Illustrious Union Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Florida Jurisdictions PHA, Inc. under the administration of Most Illustrious Albert R. Cobb 33° KYCH and with the approval of the Most Worshipful Grand Master David L. Wright 33°, to travel to the state of Georgia to establish councils of Royal & Select Masters with the ultimate purpose of establishing a Grand Council in the Jurisdiction of Georgia.
The following Companions traveled to Georgia to establish Royal & Select Councils. Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Albert R. Cobb.33° KYCH, Grand Deputy Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH, Grand Principal Conductor of the Works Henry L. Wright 33° KYCH, Grand Recorder Thomas D. Dargan Jr. 33° KYCH and District Deputy Grand Thrice Illustrious Master George Wells 33° KYCH. Councils established were North Georgia Council No. 1 UD Atlanta GA, Adoniram Council No. 2 UD Augusta GA, Emmit L. Johnson Council No. 3 Hinesville GA, and South Georgia Council No. 4 Valdosta GA. On October 29, 2005, the following companions traveled to the State of Georgia to establish and Charter the Illustrious H.R. Butler Grand Council Royal & Select Masters PHA of Georgia: Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Albert R. Cobb33° KYCH, Grand Deputy Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH, District Deputy Grand Thrice Illustrious Master George Wells 33° KYCH , and Grand Conductor of the Council Charles James 33° KYCH. Special Deputy John R. Robinson 33° KYCH, was elected and installed as the first Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the state of Georgia.
In 2005, Companions of Mississippi petitioned the state of Florida under Past Grand Eminent Commander Phillip Berry of Mississippi’s leadership and direction and the leadership of C. P. Randolph Council NO, 9 Royal & Select Masters of Crestview Florida. Under the leadership of Thrice Illustrious Master Gus Harris Jr. 33° KYCH, and District Deputy Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Francis Carter 33° and Grand Recorder Thomas D. Dargan Jr. 33° KYCH. The Grand Thrice Illustrious Master at the time was Albert R. Cobb 33° KYCH. In April 2006, Most Illustrious Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH was elected as Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of Florida. In June 2006, with the approval of Most Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Dr. Michael R. Moore 33° KYCH, Most Illustrious Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH and then Grand Principle Conductor of the Works Thomas D. Dargan Jr. 33° KYCH, traveled to the State of Mississippi to establish and issue a charter to the Illustrious Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Mississippi. The following Councils were established and chartered Andrew Steward Council No. 1 Jackson MS, Wiley M. Booth Council No. 2 Hattiesburg MS, Gulf Coast Council No. 3 Gulf Coast MS, Waynesboro Council No. 4 Waynesboro MS and Columbia Council No. 5 Columbia MS. Though everything was done in accordance to the landmarks and approval of both the most Worshipful and Grand Master of Florida and the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Mississippi, there was some controversy that of what jurisdiction was rightfully authorized to establish a Grand Council in the State of Mississippi between the Jurisdiction of Florida and the Jurisdiction of Tennessee.
Peace and Harmony has prevailed in the state of Mississippi under the current leadership of Most Illustrious Fredrick Wilson Grand Thrice Illustrious Master. During the year of 2006, the state of Florida was petitioned by Companions of St. John Virgin Islands and Nassau Bahamas to establish councils of Royal & Select Masters for the purpose of establishing a Council in the Virgin Islands and a Grand Council in the Bahamas. With the approval of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Dr. Michael R. Moore 33° KYCH, the following Grand Officers traveled to the Virgin Islands to establish Albert R. Cobb Council No. 16. Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33 KYCH, District Deputy Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Special Deputy Christopher Johnson, Most Excellent Grand High Priest Carl Finerson 33° KYCH, and Grand Eminent Commander Arthur J. Mincey 33° KYCH. The following Companions travel to Nassau Bahamas to establish Solomon Councils No 17 Grand Bahamas, Hiram Council No. 18 Nassau Bahamas, and Earnest B. Daniels Council No. 19 South Andros Bahamas. Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH, Grand Principal Conductor of the Works Thomas D. Dargan Jr. 33° KYCH, and District Deputy Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Christopher Johnson. Most Excellent Grand High Priest James A. Ferguson Sr. was appointed Special Deputy to the Bahamas.
In 2007, the state of California by way of the Imperial Captain of the Guard Eric Myers 33° KYCH and the Imperial Outer Guard Dr. Donald R. Ware MD 33°, communicated with Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH to travel to the state of California to establish Councils of Royal & Select Masters with the ultimate purpose of establishing a Grand Council. Imperial Outer Guard Dr. Donald R. Ware MD 33° was appointed Special Deputy to California. In March 2007, with the approval of Most Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Dr. Michael R. Moore 33° KYCH and Most Worshipful Grand Master Charles E. Tyner 33° of California, Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH, Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Albert R. Cobb 33° KYCH and Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Russell A. Earl Sr. 33° KYCH traveled to Los Angeles California to establish B. F. Talbot Council No. 20 UD. In November 2007 Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH traveled to Los Angeles to Charter B.F. Talbot No. 20 and organize James A. McElroy Council NO. 22 UD. He then traveled to Oakland, California to organize Frank Anderson Jr. Council NO, 21 UD. On March 28, 2008 Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Earnest B. Daniels 33° KYCH, Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Russell A. Earl Sr. 33° KYCH and Grand Principal Conductor of the Works Thomas D. Dargan Jr. 33° KYCH traveled to Fresno California for the purpose of establishing and Chartering a Grand Council in the state of California. On March 29, 2008 the Illustrious Union Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of Florida Jurisdiction PHA, Inc. issued and charted the Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council Royal & Select Masters of California, Inc. in Fresno California. The first Grand Thrice Illustrious Master elected to lead the state of California was Most Worshipful Grand Master Honorable Charles E. Tyner 33°. In February 2008, the Grand Lodge of Louisiana was petitioned under the leadership of Companion Kevin Burns with the approval of Most Worshipful Grand Master Ralph Slaughter, Imperial Potentate for the state of Florida to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana to establish Royal & Select Master Councils with the ultimate purpose of establishing a Grand Council in the state of Louisiana with the approval of both Most Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Dr. Michael R. Moore 33° KYCH of Florida and the Most Worshipful Grand Master Ralph Slaughter 33°.